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Patience essay

Patience essay

patience essay

Sep 21,  · Sponsor This Essay I believe in the importance of being patient. Having patience with people is key to thriving in society. It is this patience that allows people to be who they truly are, and allows them to appreciate not only others but also themselves Dec 11,  · Patience is a Virtue Essay  “ Patience is a Virtue ” Patience is a virtue that every man and woman must strive to have. Without it, things can go horribly wrong, people would have faced much fights and arguments and there will be chaos in this world Dec 12,  · A person that complains a lot that all the things you want are done instantly. Or a person that would like to use every second of his/her time wisely. Here explains why patience is a virtue and why we should have patience. The phrase “patience is a virtue” is just a way of expressing the importance of being patient

Patience Is a Virtue Free Essay Example

Sign up for our free, weekly podcast of featured essays. You can download recent episodes individually, or subscribe to automatically receive each podcast. Learn more. Frequently patience essay questions patience essay the This I Believe project, educational opportunities and more I believe in the importance of being patient. Having patience with people is key to thriving in society. It is this patience that allows people to be who they truly are, and allows them patience essay appreciate not only others but also themselves.

For a long time I have taken patience for granted. Not truly understanding the look my mother gave me when I pushed her to her limits. I never really deciphered the hidden meaning underneath the exasperated sighs from my friends when they gave-in to my incessant whining. Their patience has been my saving grace for years, patience essay, and often times I find myself relying on it to patience essay me through hard ships and difficult situations.

However, I believe that I understood the true meaning of patience when I met my friend Olivia. I remember when we first met, and my first impression of her was a poor one.

Patience essay was loud, patience essay, clingy, and obnoxious and overall I did not like her, patience essay. But she was alone and I did not have it patience essay me to shun her, so I welcomed her with very hesitant open arms, and a plastic smile, trying to include her. Years later she is a good friend, but she is also the same Olivia that I met in middle school.

But even as our friendship continued to grow, I did not realize how dependent and understanding I was of her. I realized it on a summer day in my junior year of High School. My friends Brittany and Jordan were with me and Olivia had just said good bye and was getting ready to go home.

As soon as the door closed both of them turned and patience essay to talk about Olivia, and how obnoxious, loud, patience essay, and clingy she was. I sat there in an appalled silence at first, unsure of what to say to them. It did take patience; it took a lot of patience for me to come to see Olivia as a friend. I was able to discover the real Olivia. I also realized that that same patience that I had for Olivia is the same patience that others have for me.

The kind of patience that allows them to see past my annoying mannerisms and irritating behavior and see the real me. Now, whenever someone annoys me, I remind myself. I remind myself that these people deserve patience essay. That what I see patience essay only be part of their personality, and that the other aspects might be well worth the small things. Without this patience for others one can never truly make a connection with anyone.

Like taking the good with the bad, it takes patience to find those who are true friends and good people, and now when ever someone comments about Olivia and her behavior or how loud she can be, I simply shake me head and smile. If you enjoyed this essay, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to This I Believe, Inc.

The work of This I Believe is made possible by individuals like you, patience essay. Please consider making your tax-deductible contribution today. home RSS, patience essay.

adjust fonts: A A A. This I Believe. Skip to content. The Practice of Patience Alyssa - Tucson, Arizona. Age Group : Under This USB drive contains of the top This I Believe audio broadcasts of the last ten years, plus some favorites from Edward R.

Murrow's radio series of the patience essay. It's perfect for personal or classroom use! Click here to learn more.

Sponsor This Essay, patience essay. Donate If you enjoyed this essay, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to This I Believe, Inc. Copyright © This I Believe, Inc, patience essay. Please contact This I Believe, patience essay, Inc. Donate The work of This I Patience essay is made possible by individuals like you, patience essay. Will Thomas had patience essay to give up on America and move to Haiti after putting up with decades of bigotry and injustice toward African Americans.

Then he decided to give the country one more chance, moving his family to an all-white town in Vermont. Click here to read his essay. No reproduction or excerpting is permitted without written consent.


, time: 7:11

The Practice of Patience « Alyssa | This I Believe

patience essay

Oct 25,  · Patience helps acquire positive attitude. If things are not going the way you want them to, instead of getting frustrated, you must learn to be patient. You need to see things and situations in a positive light to make your life happier. And to get that positivity, you need to be blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Oct 05,  · Acting with patience is a way of telling life that you are in charge. You are in no hurry, there is no distress—only peace and confidence in your truth. This is a regal trait—one of strength and majesty over your life’s circumstances. The Universe will respond to this attitude with support and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Dec 11,  · Patience is a Virtue Essay  “ Patience is a Virtue ” Patience is a virtue that every man and woman must strive to have. Without it, things can go horribly wrong, people would have faced much fights and arguments and there will be chaos in this world

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