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Human nature essays

Human nature essays

human nature essays

Human nature Human nature comprises of unique features human exhibit like emotion, thoughts, and actions. These three features are distinct from cultural influences. The argument concerning some of the human characteristics that help describe human nature, how natural they are and their origin are the frequently debated questions when discussing human beings Human Nature Essay. Words7 Pages. “It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.”. -H.L Menckens. From the moment they are born, humans have a naturally evil predisposition. Although the term ‘evil’ is difficult to define, there are various views on morality. The most commonly referenced one, Moral Objectivism, holds that moral standards are universally transcendent, and that certain acts are right or wrong independent of human Apr 18,  · His argument rests on the foundational premise that each person has the ability to develop into a unique individual: “Human nature is not a machine to be built after a model, and set to do exactly the work prescribed for it, but a tree, which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing.” (Mill, ) He claims that custom frequently oppresses this individuality and that it can be restrictive to the Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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Home — Essay Samples — Philosophy — John Stuart Mill — Human Nature. Human nature is the term used to refer to that conventionally accepted as what is uniquely and distinctly human. While few deny that such a quality exists, the origins and extent of this quality have yet to be conclusively defined. The following essay will explain the relationship between two opposing arguments delving into this subject, human nature essays, examining both: J.

Ultimately, this essay will argue the thesis that the notions of Mill and Wilson contradict each other, by: examining the ideas of both authors; illustrating the dichotomy their comparison creates, and; providing a comment as to the potential applicability of each.

Mill believes individuality to be the basis of human nature, thus implying that without individuality the distinctive characteristics of humans will be lost. Contrastingly, Wilson believes that human nature is a genetically determined phenomenon in which individuality plays no role.

Wilson explains the relevance of this opinion using the following premise: human nature is an essential quality of all humans expressed through the behavior and attitudes of societies, manifesting in morally reasoned ethics Wilson, This premise, viewed in the context human nature essays empiricism, lends itself to the assertion that ethics -the expression of human nature in moral behaviors and standards- are determined by the genetic codes underlying the mind.

Wilson develops this idea by claiming that the ethics of any society are dynamic and may change over time Wilson,this is the essence of his theory of evolutionary ethics, human nature essays. The logic of the theory may be understood such as: A each moral attitude is dependent human nature essays a genetic predisposition; B certain attitudes are more favored and those possessing them are more desirable in reproduction; C the genes corresponding to the tendencies of these individuals become more prevalent in the gene pool of the population, and; D subsequently the ethics of the population change Wilson, Thus, Wilson theorizes that the expression of human nature human nature essays limited by the gene pool of a population at any given time.

The contrast between the two ideas is stark; while Mill seemingly assumes infinite possibilities for human nature, should it be allowed to develop and human nature essays through individuality, Wilson clearly believes that this phenomenon is limited and may change only gradually, in populations as a whole and never solely in individuals.

However, human nature essays may suggest that the two ideas share the same origin; Mill and Wilson both operate on the premise that human nature is a phenomenon of the human mind, human nature essays. Hence it may human nature essays implied that their theories are fundamentally similar and reinforce, rather than contradict, each other.

Ultimately Mill and Wilson have fundamentally different opinions regarding the quality, human nature essays, expression and potential of human nature. The consequent relationship between their ideas is one of direct contradiction, human nature essays. Having established that the relationship between these two ideas is contradictory, one must seek to examine which -if either- of the two is the most correct in providing insight into the elusive qualities of human nature.

This can be done by examining the implications of each idea. The applicability of these proposed models is admittedly contestable. Consider the contrasts between mannerisms and behavior within any social human nature essays, for example: those fidgety juxtaposed with those still, those clean with those messy, those introverted with those extroverted.

With such diversity in behavior, such opportunity for expression and difference, it cannot be feasibly stated that the inheritance of genes dooms a population to tend towards homogeneity. One said example being through the technological revolution of the 21st century: in less than a decade a large portion of the ethical codes of most Western countries shifted dramatically and, perhaps, irreversibly; the standards of social conduct are now fundamentally changed, the nature of education and the workplace is transformed in essence as well as in reality and even the concepts of the self and the society are regarded differently.

These changes occurred with exponential rapidity and, despite any epigenetic predispositions that individuals have, it is the human mind which has allowed such progression in human nature. In conclusion: through On Liberty and Consilience, Mill and Wilson, respectively, human nature essays, present notions exploring the qualities and extent of human nature, that which is uniquely and distinctly human. Mill advocates for the nourishment of individuality in order to develop and grow the infinite potential of human nature.

While, in contrast, human nature essays, Wilson theorizes about the limits of human nature implied by evolutionary ethics and the genetic basis of humans. Works Cited Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty.

Indianapolis: Hackett Human nature essays Company Inc, Wilson, Edward O. New York: Vintage Books, Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.

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Human Nature Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

human nature essays

Human Nature Essays Aristotle – Examination of Government Structure and Human Nature Atirtotle’s Politics Aristotle’s Politics is a timeless examination of government structure and human nature that explains his ideas on how a utopian state can be blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins May 21,  · Human Nature. Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: Read Full Paper. Human Nature. The Traditional estern view of human nature has its roots in the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, both of whom espoused the primacy of reason over passion Human nature, or as defined by Wikipedia – “a bundle of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, which humans are said to have naturally” is a term is often regarded as capturing what it is to be human, or the essence of humanity. The discussion of human nature is broader than any one's idea of it

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