Descriptive Essay: New York City. New York has a way of making any place feel exciting. Whether that is the housing unit, the coffee shop across the street, or a place by the river, every location holds something special to someone. New York is known for its fast paced environment Descriptive Essay On The New York City When I ask people about New York City they usually associate it with the extraordinary buildings that pierce the sky or the congested sidewalks with people desperate to shop in the famous luxury stores in which celebrities dwell New York City Descriptive Essay5 Pages Words. New York City is the place that I want to visit, revisit, and visit again. Out there on the streets, I feel free. When coming from New Jersey to New York City on the New Jersey Transit tTrain, which is grimy but comfortable, it is an experience unlike I have ever felt before
Descriptive Essay About New York City | blogger.com
As soon as I go up the stairs to the ground level, I can't help but notice the stench of the. It is a mix between carbon monoxide from cars, trash, and other indistinguishable things. would remind you of the swamplands but less nature. On the streets, I see an endless flow of cars. in traffic, many of which have a small illuminated sign with the word "TAXI" on top.
The drivers. all seem to be foreign, and many are loudly talking on their cell phones, oblivious to their client. in the back seat. Looking up the road, I see a seemingly endless skyline of tall buildings. The people on. child's hand tightly. Most are business people dressed in black suits, some of which are walking. When I go into one of the many coffee shops, I can tell everything that the store sells just.
by smelling the air in and around the store. I go in and see many people dressed in suits reading. newspapers, talking on cell phones, or sipping on coffee. I wait in the line at the register filled. with impatient people waiting to buy some food, descriptive essay on new york city. When it's my turn to order, it seems like I am in.
glares at me when I stop to think about what I want descriptive essay on new york city order. After paying, I wait in the next line. to receive what I just ordered. After receiving my bagel and coffee, I went to sit down.
I feel so. match the odor of the city as well. I feel as if I was confined to a small broom closet as people. small area it took up. All I can hear in this store are people talking to their friends or cell phones.
smell and all. Though, like many things, you grow used to it and learn to greatly enjoy it, descriptive essay on new york city. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. en Change Language close menu Language English selected español português Deutsch français Русский italiano român Bahasa Indonesia Learn more.
User Settings. close menu Welcome to Scribd! Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Books Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet Music Documents selected Snapshots. New York City Descriptive Writing. Uploaded by David. Document Information click to expand document information Description: Semi-descriptive essay on an experience in New York City. Copyright © Attribution Non-Commercial BY-NC. Available Formats PDF, descriptive essay on new york city, TXT or read online from Scribd.
Share this document Share or Embed Document Sharing Options Share on Facebook, opens a new window Facebook. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Description: Semi-descriptive essay on an experience in New York City. Copyright: Attribution Non-Commercial BY-NC. Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content.
Download now. Save Save New York City Descriptive Writing For Later. Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Write a Description of a Place You Knew Well Descriptive essay on new york city You Were Young. Jump to Page. Search inside document. New York City New York City is definitely a BUSY city. No matter where I go, I can see confusion that never seems to end. There seems to be an endless amount of cars flowing through the streets and honking their monotone horns.
Some of the vehicles are large trucks that seem to add the never- ending noise generated by rest of the things around me. Everyone seems to be in a hurry, not worrying about anything going on around them. I just arrived at Penn. Station in New York City. The underground terminal we are in reminds me of Underground Atlanta and has stores and shops lining the walls. As I walk by, I can smell all sorts of things.
When I walk by the Starbucks Coffee, I can smell coffee and milk. When I pass by the numerous bagel shops, I can smell bagels and cream cheese, descriptive essay on new york city. It is so busy here, descriptive essay on new york city, I can even smell the cologne on the people hurriedly passing by.
When I look around, I see the huge departures board with names of stations and corresponding train numbers and departure times. Looking down, all I can see is the movement of a mass of people. Some are carrying bags. Some are dragging rolling backpacks, descriptive essay on new york city. All seem to be unconscious of anything going on around them, but they somehow manage not to run into anyone else, almost operating like a clock.
As soon as I go up the stairs to the ground level, I can't help but notice the stench of the city. It would remind you of the swamplands but less nature. On the streets, I see an endless flow of cars in traffic, many of which have a small illuminated sign with the word "TAXI" on top.
The drivers all seem to be foreign, and many are loudly talking on their cell phones, oblivious to their client in the back seat. The people on descriptive essay on new york city sidewalks are doing various things. Some are talking on their cell phone while quickly walking to where they have to be. A few people on the sidewalks are moms clutching their child's hand tightly. Most are business people dressed in black suits, some of which are walking with similarly dressed colleagues.
Just like in the train station, everyone is unaware of the almost-chaos going on around them. When I go into one of the many coffee shops, I can tell everything that the store sells just by smelling the air in and around the store. I go in and see many people dressed in suits reading newspapers, talking on cell phones, or sipping on coffee. I wait in the line at the register filled with impatient people waiting to buy some food. When it's my turn to order, it seems like I am in front of a hundred people speaking.
The person at the register is very quickly doing her job and glares at me when I stop to think about what I want to order. After paying, I wait in the next descriptive essay on new york city to receive what I just ordered. I feel so crammed when I sat down at the two-person table. The table was slightly sticky, and it seemed to match the odor of the city as well. I feel as if I was confined to a small broom closet as people walked past me.
It was amazing that the 50 or so people in the store were fitting into the very small area it took up. The occasional large truck rumbles down the road outside. This experience in New York City is very interesting. I have seen all sorts of people and I've witnessed so many things.
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Descriptive Essay About New York City. Words3 Pages. If you ask someone what place is the most iconic place to visit you would most certainly hear the marvelous city called New York City. Also known as, “The city that never sleeps." The city 's population has million people, and was founded by a man named Peter Minuit (blogger.com) We know that New York welcomes everyone all over the world. Despite the great number of tourist attractions, its vividness and versatility also catch an eye. Take a look at five simple words describing New York: 1. Multiplicity. New York is a real polygonal diamond in the jewel box of America. That is why it has about one hundred different names Descriptive Essay: New York City. New York has a way of making any place feel exciting. Whether that is the housing unit, the coffee shop across the street, or a place by the river, every location holds something special to someone. New York is known for its fast paced environment
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