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Coronary heart disease essay

Coronary heart disease essay

coronary heart disease essay

Essay Sample Check Writing Quality Coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease affects million people in the United States and causes more than , deaths annually (Lemone, chap). It is caused by atherosclerosis which is the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries causing impaired blood flow to the myocardium Myocardial Infarction Essay. Myocardial Infarction The leading cause of death in males and females alike in America is coronary heart disease. Myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, specifically effects a significant number of individuals. It claims a massive number of lives every day and year  · Coronary artery disease also known coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease encompasses other pathologies, such as angina and myocardial infarction (heart attack). Coronary artery disease occurs when there is a narrowing of the coronary arteries, due to the development of plaques leading to reduce amounts of oxygenated blood to the heart

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The arteries change from smooth and elastic to middle of paper Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in were in men. Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing more thanpeople annually. Angina is almost always the first symptom to appear.

Modifiable factors that could prevent the occurrence of CAD include cigarette smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, atherogenic diet like diet high in cholesterol, use of contraceptive and hormone therapy replacement.

smoking, coronary heart disease essay, high cholesterol diet, age, gender, sedentary lifestyle, contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. Nurses can fill significant treatment gaps in the risk factor management of patient with coronary heart disease.

Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease. It is a general term for both heart attack coronary heart disease essay angina, coronary heart disease essay. Many people suffer from it andAmericans die from it each year. It is much more common in older people and in males.

However, coronary heart disease essay tend to be older and sicker when they are first treated for a heart attack. Deaths of heart disease in the United States back in killed about Some of the key factors of heart disease are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.

Half of Americans have one of these three risk factors. Center for Disease Control states that several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including; diabetes, overweight and obesity, poor diet, poor physical activity and, excessive alcohol abuse Americas heart disease burden, Heart disease is a group of diseases of the heart and the blood vessel system in the heart. Along with plaque, Cigarette smoking is the number one cause for preventable death in the United States, and is directly correlated with heart attacks.

Men and women who smoke have a 2 to 4 times higher chance of experiencing a heart attack, and are more susceptible to coronary heart disease. Any amount of s We need to inform patients of signs and symptoms and inform them about the importance of heart attacks and heart disease. rheumatoid arthritis RA is coronary heart disease essay inflammatory autoimmune disease that affected 1. in Helmick et al. Incidence of RA increased by 2.

RA is a painful, debilitating disease that causes stiff and tender joints and affects the heart, skin, and other organs Scott, Wolfe, and Huizinga Cardiovascular disease CVD or heart disease is a major cause of death in the world. There were approximately The causes of heart disease vary due to many risk factors. Tobacco use is a major risk factor for heart disease. The globally accelerating coronary heart disease essay of heart diseases mortality and morbidity rates have compelling the need for public attention and global responses to cigarette smoking.

The mortality rate for lung cancer is shocking, in it is estimated that lung cancer will cause about 29 percent of all cancer deaths among men and 26 percent among women in the United States.

Which totals tofatalities, coronary heart disease essay, more than the combined number of deaths from the next three most common cancers colon, breast, coronary heart disease essay, and prostate Cagle, P. Lung cancer affects people from all lifestyles; however, this disease is more likely to affect the elderly and African American male population. How can we reduce these staggering statistics? There are many causes in America that leads to mortality. Coronary heart disease essay disease is the number one coronary heart disease essay of death in America.

Coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and other diseases can lead to heart failure. The total costs include medications, decrease in productivity, and medical services. Introduction Some 7 million Americans suffer from coronary heart disease CHDthe most common form of heart disease.

This type of coronary heart disease essay disease is caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries that feed the heart.

CHD is the number one killer of both coronary heart disease essay and women in the U. Each year, more thanAmericans die of heart attacks caused by CHD. Many of these deaths could be prevented because CHD is related to certain aspects of lifestyle. Risk factors for CHD include high blood pressure, coronary heart disease essay, high blood cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity--all of which can be controlled.

Home Page Coronary Heart Disease Essay. Coronary Heart Disease Essay Satisfactory Essays, coronary heart disease essay. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The World Health Organization defines coronary heart disease as a disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle where they are narrowing coronary heart disease essay blockage causes by cholesterol plagues deposit on the vessel wall resulting in abnormal thickening of the of the heart vessels WHO, Coronary heart disease CHD is one of 10 leading causes of death in the world WHO, According to WHO, there is an estimated of 7.

Likewise in Singapore, Clearly with a rise in aging population, the nation and community must focus not only treating coronary heart disease but also preventing and providing more support into account of the elderly special needs and concerns. Although coronary heart disease is very common among the elderly, it is often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in this age group due to difference in clinical manifestations Aronow, To promote older people well being and prevent CHD complication, coronary heart disease essay, there is the need to create awareness of health risks associated with CHD, its causes and lifestyle changes Health Pro t groups or organizations that are available for the elderly to seek help depending on their special needs.

Healthy diet pyramid will be used as a guide to describe the variety of food. An information section will be given with short videos in between and followed by dietary practices questionnaire on food consumptions. In the end of the program, the elderly will be encouraged to participate coronary heart disease essay the group activities and games… In summary, coronary heart disease is the chronic health condition which is affecting quality of life in older people with high level of morbidity and rising trend in physical and emotional disability.

However, this condition can be prevented through lifestyle modifications. Therefore it is important to raise public awareness of the disease prevention and complications to promote older people well being not only in Singapore but also worldwide. Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Essay On Coronary Artery Disease Words 3 Pages. Essay On Coronary Artery Disease.

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coronary heart disease essay

Coronary Heart Disease Essay Words | 4 Pages. Coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease affects million people in the United States and causes more than , deaths annually (Lemone, chap). It is caused by atherosclerosis which is the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries causing impaired blood flow to the myocardium  · Coronary artery disease also known coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease encompasses other pathologies, such as angina and myocardial infarction (heart attack). Coronary artery disease occurs when there is a narrowing of the coronary arteries, due to the development of plaques leading to reduce amounts of oxygenated blood to the heart The World Health Organization defines coronary heart disease as a disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle where they are narrowing or blockage causes by cholesterol plagues deposit on the vessel wall resulting in abnormal thickening of the of the heart vessels (WHO, ). Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of 10 leading causes of death in the world (WHO,

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