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Cold war essays

Cold war essays

cold war essays

Dystopian Fiction during the Cold War Contents 1 Introduction 2 by George Orwell 3 Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut 4 Fahrenheit by Ray Bradbury Introduction Richard M. Nixon once said, The Cold War isn’t thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat Essay on the Cold War: it’s Origin, Causes and Phases. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: After the Second World War, the USA and USSR became two Super Powers. One nation tried to reduce the power of other. Indirectly the competition between the Super Powers led to the Cold blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins The Cold War was like an artist, and the world its canvas, as between the years of and , the War was splashed in many colours of attack, including espionage, a nuclear arms and space race and proxy wars, like that of the Vietnamese. Words. 2 Pages. Satisfactory Essays

The Best Cold War Essay: Effective Writing Tips and Winning Strategies

After the Second World War, the USA and USSR became two Super Powers. One nation tried to reduce the power of other. Indirectly the competition between the Super Powers led to the Cold War, cold war essays. Soviet Russia took the leadership of all the Communist Countries. As a result of which both stood as rivals to each other. Infact, Cold War is a kind of verbal war which is fought through newspapers, magazines, radio and other propaganda methods.

It is a propaganda to which a great power resorts against the other power, cold war essays. It is a sort of diplomatic war. There is no unanimity amongst scholars regarding the origin of the Cold War In when Hitler invaded Russia, Roosevelt the President of USA sent armaments to Russia.

It is only because the relationship between Roosevelt and Stalin was very good. But after the defeat of Germany, when Stalin wanted to implement Communist ideology in Poland, Hungery, Bulgaria and Rumania, at that time England and America suspected Stalin.

It led Stalin to think deeply. As a result of which suspicion became wider between Soviet Russia and western countries and thus the Cold War took birth. Various causes are responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War.

At first, the difference between Soviet Russia and USA led to the Cold War. The United States of America could not tolerate the Communist ideology of Soviet Russia. On the other hand, Russia could not accept the dominance of United States of America upon the other European Countries. Secondly, cold war essays, the Race of Armament between the two super powers served another cause for the Cold War. After the Second World War, Soviet Russia had increased its military strength cold war essays was a threat to the Western Countries.

So America started to manufacture the Atom bomb, Hydrogen bomb and other deadly weapons, cold war essays. The other European Countries also participated in this race. So, the whole world was divided into two power blocs and paved the way for the Cold War. Thirdly, the Ideological Difference was another cause for the Cold War, cold war essays. When Soviet Russia spread Communism, cold war essays, at that time America propagated Capitalism.

This propaganda ultimately accelerated the Cold War. Fourthly, Russian Declaration made another cause for the Cold Cold war essays. Soviet Russia highlighted Communism in mass-media and encouraged the labour revolution. On the other hand, America helped the Capitalists against the Communism. So it helped to the growth of Cold War. Fifthly, the Nuclear Programme of America was responsible for another cause for the Cold War.

After the bombardment of America on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Soviet Russia got afraid for her existence. So, it also followed the same path to combat America.

This led to the growth of Cold War. Lastly, the Enforcement of Veto by Soviet Russia against the western countries made them to hate Russia. When the western countries put forth any view in the Security Council of the UNO, Soviet Russia immediately opposed cold war essays through veto.

So western countries became annoyed in Soviet Russia which gave birth to the Cold War. In this phase America and Soviet Russia disbelieved each other. America always tried to control the Red Regime in Russia. Without any hesitation Soviet Russia established Communism by destroying democracy in the Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungery, Yugoslavia and other Eastern European Countries.

According to Marshall Plan which was declared on 5 June, America gave financial assistance to Western European Countries. In this phase, non withdrawal of army from Iran by Soviet Russia, Berlin blaockade etc. made the cold was more furious. After the formation of NATO inthe Cold War took a halt. In this phase a treaty was signed between Australia, New Zeland and America in September, which was known as ANZUS.

America also signed a treaty with Japan on 8 September, At that time by taking armaments from Russia and army from China, North Korea declared war against South Korea.

Then with the help of UNO, America sent military aid to South Korea. However, both North Korea and South Korea signed peace treaty in and ended the war. In order to reduce the impact of Soviet Communism, America spent a huge amount of dollar in propaganda against Communism. On the other hand, Soviet Russia tried to be equal with America by testing atom bomb.

In America formed MEDO in Middle East. Within a short span of time, America gave military assistance to 43 countries and formed military bases around Soviet Russia. At that time, the Vietnamese War started on To reduce the American Power, Russia signed WARSAW PACT in Russia also signed a defence pact with 12 Countries.

Germany was divided into Federal Republic of Germany which was cold war essays the American control where as German Democratic Republic was under Soviet Russia. In Soviet Russia included Sphutnick in her defence programme. In Stalin died and Khrushchev became the President of Russia. In an agreement was signed between America and Russia regarding the Suez Crisis.

America agreed not to help her allies like England and France. In fact West Asia was saved from a great danger. In the Russian President Khrushchev went on a historical tour cold war essays America. Both the countries were annoyed for U-2 accident and for Berlin Crisis. In 13 AugustSoviet Russia made a Berlin Wall of 25 Kilometres in order to check the immigration from eastern Berlin to Western Berlin.

This incident created an atmosphere of conversation between American President Kenedy and Russian President Khrushchev. America assured Russia that she would not attack Cuba and Russia also withdrew missile station from Cuba.

The Fifth Phase which began from also marked a mutual suspicion between USA and USSR. There was a worldwide concern demanding ban on nuclear weapons. In this period Hot Line was established between the White House and Kremlin, cold war essays.

This compelled both the parties to refrain from nuclear war. Inspite of that the Vietnam problem and the Problem in Germany kept Cold War between USA and USSR in fact, cold war essays.

This phase commencing from was marked by DETENTE between USA and USSR- the American President Nixon and Russian President Brezhnev played a vital role for putting an end to the Cold War.

InAmerican Foreign Secretary Henry Kissinger paid a secret visit to China to explore the possibilities of reapproachment with China. The American move to convert Diego Garcia into a military base was primarily designed to check the Soviet presence in the Indian Ocean.

During the Bangladesh crisis of and the Egypt-Israel War of the two super powers extended support to the opposite sides. In this phase certain changes were noticed in the Cold War. That is why historians call this phase as New Cold War.

Inthe Cold war essays President Carter and Russian President Brezhnev signed SALT II. But in the prospects of mitigating Cold War were marred by sudden development in Afghanistan. VietnamAngolaEthiopia and Afghanistan issues brought success to Russia which was unbearable for America.

The SALT II was not ratified by the US Senate. In America boycotted the Olympic held at Moscow. InRussia withdrew from a talk on missile with Cold war essays. In Russia boycotted the Olympic game held at Los-Angeles.

The Star War of the American President Ronald Regan annoyed Russia. The Cold War had far-reaching implications in the international affairs. At first, cold war essays, it gave rise to a fear psychosis which resulted in a mad race for the manufacture of more sophisticated armaments. Various alliances like NATO, cold war essays, SEATO, WARSAW PACT, CENTO, ANZUS etc.

were formed only to increase world tension. Secondly, Cold War rendered the UNO ineffective because both super powers tried to oppose the actions proposed by the opponent. The Korean Crisis, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War etc.

were the bright examples in this direction. Thirdly, due to the Cold War, a Third World was created. A large number of nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America decided to keep away from the military alliances of the two super powers, cold war essays. They liked to remain neutral. Cold war essays, Non-Alignments Movement became the direct outcome of the Cold War.

Fourthly, Cold War was designed against mankind. The unnecessary expenditure in the armament cold war essays created a barrier against the progress of the world and adversely affected a country and prevented improvement in the living standards of the people.

It divided the world into two groups which was not a healthy sign for mankind, cold war essays.

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cold war essays

Nov 10,  · 10 Lines on Cold War Essay in English. 1. Cold War is the atmosphere of suspicion and fear that arose between the USA and the Soviet Union after the Second World War. 2. Cold War was the difference of opinion between the capitalism of the Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins The cold war essay is a description of the power standoff between the United States of America, and the Soviet Union. Many students feel challenged by this type of essay. However, by following the right steps and guidelines, it is very easy to ace this type of essay The Cold War: an Era of Fear. view essay example. Cold War 5 Pages. An Era of Fear Truman had just demonstrated the raw power of the nuclear bomb, in order to end World War II, in The cost of war had immediately changed; the world had seen that whole cites could be

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