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Billy elliot essay

Billy elliot essay

billy elliot essay

Oct 06,  · Characterization of Billy Elliot Essay Characterization of Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a year-old boy who lives with his father Jackie, his big brother Tony and his eighty-year-old grandmother in Everington in Northeast England at the time of the miners' strike in mids Similarities And Differences Between Billy Elliot And Kes In this essay I am comparing the two films Kes, made in and set in the 's and Billy Elliot, made in and set in the 's. Both of which have the same location, Northern England and both have a strong relation to a working class environment where coal mining was the main source of employment Apr 24,  · Ballet dancers don't typically come from little mining villages in the north of England. Class is a major theme of Billy Elliot, as part of what makes Billy's interest in ballet so disruptive to his family and his community is not only that he is a boy in a girl's discipline, but Author: Stephen Daldry

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Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Billy Elliot — Into the World There are a variety of pathways and elements, which enables individual transition into a New World. To demonstrate different pathways into a new world, billy elliot essay, these three texts use different types of techniques.

The film Billy Elliot is a social drama as it deals with a variety of billy elliot essay issues such as poverty and class, billy elliot essay. It is about a young boy who has grown up in a poor community and a world of rules and traditions.

Contrast is then used by the camera panning past many pairs of dainty ballet slippered feet before settling on Billy wearing his boxing boots. This shot reinforces the idea that Billy is different, and everyday life. This is shown particularly well in the film Billy Elliotdirected by Stephan Daldry. It is set in Everington induring the miners' strike.

Throughout the film love and friendship is portrayed in a range of different ways as Billybilly elliot essay, the main character, has a different relationship with each of the other characters.

The effective use of symbolic and technical film codes and the narrative elements; point of view, plot and characterization positions the viewers to challenge the stereotypical understandings of love and friendship. By applying symbolic codes the director has shown the relationship between Billy and his father Jackie Elliot to be quite unique. Throughout the film the relationship between Billy and Jackie change. In the beginning Jackie is very easily worked up, about the miners strike and the loss of his wife.

This anger he takes out on his sons forcing them have to act very tough, billy elliot essay. In his time Jackie was a great boxer, therefore he wanted Billy to do boxing in order to become strong and fit. What Jackie didn't know was that Billy was suffering greatly during these lessons, he just was not fit for boxing.

Throughout the film the director has used symbolic codes and technical codes. If the audience did not understand the relationship between them, the plot would be hard to interpret. This is giving every viewer their freedom to Billy Elliot Traditional ideas about stereotypical gender roles can be challenged or supported with different characters and environments.

The visual text Billy Elliot was created in and directed by Stephen Daldry. The film is about an 11 year old boy Billy Elliot who tries to pursue a career in Ballet despite negative stereotyping. Billy must overcome many obstacles in his path including his stereotypical father and brother who are convinced that men cannot do Ballet, billy elliot essay.

Billy Elliot demonstrates that traditional masculinity is restrictive and makes men feel trapped. He does this billy elliot essay following his dreams to be a ballet dancer proving that he could still be masculine and successful. Topics such as symbolism, setting, characterisation and stereotyping will be discussed in this essay.

Billythe main character of the film Billy Elliot is a symbol of change and freedom not only in his family but in the community in which he lives. In the visual text, Billy must break free and be who he wants to be.

In the world he lives in, men are trapped and there is no tolerance for diversity and male ballet dancers. Billy brings a sense of change into the film as he leads his family to become more tolerant and respectful.

He is successful in a way that Jacky father learns that stereotyping Characterization of Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a year-old boy who lives with his father Jackie, his big brother Tony and his eighty-year-old grandmother in Everington in Northeast England at the time of the miners' strike in mids, billy elliot essay. He is the protagonist in the story and is principled, likable, and vivacious with a musical tone in his body, billy elliot essay.

His mother Sarah who died two years before the beginning of the story was a musician and used to play on the piano for the whole family. Unlike the others in the little community Billy is — to some extent — impervious to social conditioning enough to think outside the box. Me dad boxed. He is a dreamer who has his own ideas about how to do things and doesn't follow others just because of their authority.

He identifies himself with and is inspired by Muhammad Ali because of his non-conventional way of fighting described as "[f]loat like a butterfly, billy elliot essay, sting like a bee" p.

One of Billy's most admirable personality billy elliot essay is his courage — a willingness to go against powerful social The characters challenge and reinforce certain stereotypes shown and the audience is positioned to respond in a particular way.

PLOT This story is set in a mining town just outside of London. A young boy, Billyhas a passion and talent for dance that drives him to defy all the social and cultural rules in his world. By following his dream Billy challenges the stereotype for boys in the mining town.

FILM CODES One of the most powerful symbolic codes in the film is in the scene where Billy and Mrs, billy elliot essay. Wilkinson are billy elliot essay in the boxing ring.

The lighting is dark where they are but bright in the distance. This darkness symbolizes the dullness in his life and the brightness that contrasts represents a bright hope for the future. Billy challenges this by creating a reflective and soft mood. One of the aural codes, music, enhances billy elliot essay soft the individual to experiences familiar and new horizons. Through the texts Billy Elliot and The short story "The Story of X" have helped to convey various new horizons and familiar experiences.

Firstly, New horizons can be explored through both Billy Elliot and the story of 'x' with the challenging of gender expectations and the effort in which the characters display in order to breakthrough the dominant discourses in their lives.

The second paragraph will explore how parental control plays a large part in shaping an individual. The third paragraph will explore how political issues affect society, and the individuals within society. All three texts have familiar experiences and all embrace new horizons which allows the individuals growth and change within their lives and throughout society. There are alot of gender billy elliot essay within society that are involved with Billy Elliot and the "Story of X", billy elliot essay.

In Billy Elliotboys are meant to do boxing, wrestling and any other sports that may be viewed as strictly masculine and girls are meant to do ballet, cooking and sewing. This is evident within the scene "Dad finds out" where Jackie is telling Billyhe is not allowed to do ballet "Boys do football, soccer, of Into the World conveyed in the film Billy Elliot? In this transition there are often barriers and obstacles which the individual faces and needs to overcome.

The eponymous character Billy Elliot transitions as he develops from a stereotypical mining town status to a ballet dancer. Daldry portrays how Billy Elliot is a movie about a young boy who has I tough with his family, he wants to do ballet instead o doing boxing. This shows he scene where Billy came to his first class of ballet he was all dressed in his boxing gear The last picture I drew in the bottom right corner I thought was a very important part of the movie because it is probably the Sign Up.

Sign In. Sign Up Sign In, billy elliot essay. Home Essays Billy Elliot Identity. Billy Elliot Identity Topics: Stephen DaldryBilly Billy elliot essayDance music Pages: 1 words Published: October 6, Continue Reading Please join Billy elliot essay to read the full document.

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How to write an essay for Billy Elliot [HSC English Lit Program #11]

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Billy Elliot Critical Analysis -

billy elliot essay

“Billy Elliot” outlines the hardship and barriers a boy must overcome to become a ballet dancer in a society which stereotypes genders Jun 03,  · Billy Elliot Essay somebody else’s successful story. Stephan Daldry, the director of Billy Elliot, exploits Maslow’s theory to depict a coal miner’s son from Northern England who desires to be a ballet dancer. Billy Elliot is a musical version of the British movie of the same name, and both of them are directed by Stephan Daldry Similarities And Differences Between Billy Elliot And Kes In this essay I am comparing the two films Kes, made in and set in the 's and Billy Elliot, made in and set in the 's. Both of which have the same location, Northern England and both have a strong relation to a working class environment where coal mining was the main source of employment

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